Santa Barbara Hospice and Palliative Care extends its services into San Bernardino with a focused physical therapy program designed specifically for hospice patients. This program plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for patients by maintaining as much independence and mobility as possible.

Physical therapists at Santa Barbara Hospice and Palliative Care work closely with each patient to tailor therapies to their specific needs, focusing on pain relief, strengthening, and maintaining mobility. These therapeutic sessions improve physical health and boost emotional and psychological well-being by fostering a sense of achievement and normalcy.

Integrating physical therapy with other hospice services like skilled nursing and medical social work ensures a holistic approach to care. This multidisciplinary strategy supports patients’ comprehensive health needs, addressing both their illness symptoms and the challenges of limited mobility.

In San Bernardino, physical therapy has a profound impact on hospice care, offering patients a chance to enhance their comfort levels and engage more fully in daily activities. Santa Barbara Hospice and Palliative Care’s commitment to including physical therapy as a core part of its hospice services demonstrates its dedication to providing compassionate, comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s needs.